9 May 2019

Scottish Labour has won parliamentary recognition on the need for ‘urgent investigation’ of the significant workforce pressures being faced by midwives.

The party won cross-party support during a parliamentary debate, on the need for action to address the ‘low morale, bullying and work-related stress’ experienced by midwives in NHS Lothian which was raised in an open letter.

The letter claims that midwives do not have enough computers, equipment and pool cards to do their jobs.

Scottish Labour Health Spokesperson Monica Lennon has welcomed the commitment towards an investigation, and has called on the SNP Health Secretary to act swiftly to implement it.

Scottish Labour Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport Monica Lennon said:

“I’m pleased that Parliament has recognised the significant workforce pressures faced by midwives, and that the concerns raised by midwives in NHS Lothian need urgent investigation.

“Scottish Ministers must act swiftly to initiate an investigation and keep Parliament updated.

“These are challenges which are faced by midwives across the country, and that’s why we are also calling on the SNP to ensure that the Best Start reforms to midwifery and neonatal services are properly resourced.

“Midwives are absolutely crucial to the care of women and babies.

"The best way to celebrate their contribution to the NHS is by listening to their concerns and ensuring they have enough resources to do their jobs.”

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