Dundee West Labour
28 April 2019
Commenting on the SNP officially adopting the Growth Commission's austerity plan for Scotland, Scottish Labour Leader Richard Leonard said:
“Imposing a decade of austerity on the most vulnerable, tax cuts for big business and fewer rights for workers is now official SNP policy.
“The people of Scotland now have a clear choice between austerity and cuts with the SNP and the Tories, or £70billion worth of investment with a Labour government.
“Labour governments at Holyrood and Westminster will end low pay and the exploitation of workers, reverse the rise in poverty and homelessness, and put people before profit through public ownership of our public services.
“Under Labour, the wealthiest will pay more to fund our NHS, schools and local services. And we will invest in our people, our communities and industries, and shift the balance of power so our economy and society work in the interests of the many, not the few.”
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