15 February 2020

Today Scottish Labour Transport Spokesperson, Colin Smyth MSP, highlighted the drastic scale of the cuts to local government transport budgets under SNP rule.

The statistics show that since 2007/2008 local government transport spending has faced a real terms cumulative loss of nearly £2Bn as a result of the SNP enforcing Tory austerity on Scotland’s councils and increasing ring-fencing.

Local government is estimated to have a road repair backlog of up to £1.8Bn, and several councils are struggling to deliver basic services such as fixing potholes.

Scottish Labour is calling for a fair deal for local authorities at this year’s budget, however the budget statement as presented by Kate Forbes has been roundly condemned by groups including COSLA which has stated that the budget as proposed means more and deeper cuts to local government.

Commenting, Scottish Labour Transport Spokesperson, Colin Smyth MSP, said:

“Over the last 13 years the SNP has failed to invest in Scotland’s local authorities and has, in recent years, passed on and amplified Tory austerity.

“Scotland’s local authorities are at breaking point and our roads and bus networks are in a shocking state due to SNP neglect and mismanagement.

“So far it seems the SNP has no intention of providing Scotland’s local authorities with they funding they badly need to keep Scotland moving.

“Scottish Labour will fight throughout this year’s budget process for a fair deal for local government and for investment in Scotland’s transport network.”

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